Monday, May 28, 2012

Motivational Monday - and Memorial Monday

I was going to say 'Happy Memorial Day,' but if you have lost loved ones, you may not be feeling too happy today.  Loss is tough - we can mourn the folks who are no longer sharing this daily walk with us, AND we can also remember them fondly and laugh over old memories.  

It's only fitting that I'm doing this marathon in support of a cancer organization.  I lost my father, my aunt, and a dear friend to cancer.  They were adults - and while that doesn't make it easier, I know there's got to be so much frustration and a feeling of unfairness that goes along with having a child with cancer.   When I look at my little kindergarten friends and think about our friends, Will and Julie, who lost their son at the age of 6, it just makes me weepy.  No child should die before the parent – I know my grandparents wrestled with this when my 51-year-old father was dying.  I didn’t really get it–the fact that we are always our parents’ babies, no matter how old we are.  

Oh yeah, this was supposed to be motivational.  How’m I doing? 

I had recently heard on the radio that Kelly Clarkson’s song, Stronger, had become an anthem for folks undergoing cancer treatment.  I can see why!  It’s upbeat and motivational.  My sister Cherrie sent me this video clip – just as I was beginning to ponder the Motivational Monday blog.

And of course - the making of the video is just as good, or better!  :-)

Think good thoughts of those you’ve loved and lost.  Keep fighting whatever battle you’re fighting.  We’re all in this together! Now get out there and kick some booty!

OH - and I just got a big fat donation from the ladies at Bodywork Spa & Skin Studio - I'll post more when I have more details, but it's a good one!  Don't forget to donate any ammount before the drawing on June 30th!

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