Friday, May 18, 2012

The Friday Five: True Confessions of an Average Gal

I've really been feeling frustrated about my physical condition.  I have been working really hard at strengthening my core and then, on Sunday, I popped out my lower back.  Argh!  These are the moments I feel my age.  I know it’s just a minor setback, and I trust all my medical professionals to get me back on track.  They’re all pulling for my marathon success, and they want me to be healthy and strong. 

Still…one little lift (that I SWEAR I used my legs for!) and my week was shot to Hell!

Oh well – here’s to another Friday, and another chance to get back on that horse and ride!

True Confessions…

1.  I prefer wearing yoga pants for eating and lounging, rather than yoga.  When I was in Vegas, I referred to them as “Buffet Pants!

 2.  I’m somewhat envious of people who have workout buddies.  It seems like a great idea, but I can’t imagine actually working out with someone else.  Maybe I just don’t play well with others.  I like the freedom to take off when I feel like it, and run as long, short, fast or slow as I feel like.  I think I also really appreciate the time alone in my own head.  I communicate with people all day at work, so my workout time seems like something special, just for me.

    3. I'm starting to worry about reaching my financial goal of raising $5000.00.  You would think I’d be more worried about running 26.2 miles, but no – it’s the money.  I know that nothing bad will happen if I don’t get there, but I will feel like I’ve let down the organization (Children’s Cancer Association).  I can only donate so much, so I’m hoping for either a whole bunch of little donations, or a couple more REALLY BIG ones!

 4. I know that no matter how much I read and learn about running a marathon, nothing will truly prepare me.  I just have to listen to my body and keep working at it.  I’m concerned more with the mental part of the marathon than the physical part.  The more I hear about hitting ‘the wall’ the more I am concerned with finding way to power through it.

 5. I am almost done with the school year, and I’m looking forward to having less things competition with my time.  I can really focus on cross training and building my stamina.  I hate when work gets in the way of my playing!

Stay tuned - I'm just about ready to post about my giveaway:
Drawings for Donors!

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