Sunday, April 29, 2012

When Life Gives You Lemons...

     I've been feeling pretty sorry for myself for the past couple weeks.  After logging 27 miles one week and feeling like I was gaining on my stamina, I was plagued with soreness in my hips, back and feet.  I kept thinking that maybe age was creeping up on me and that this wasn't such a good idea after all.

    Instead of throwing in the towel, I've seen some medical professionals.  I'm having orthotics made for my very flat feet - which should help a lot of the other problems.

   After several unsuccessful chiropractic trips, I went to my massage therapist, Trish Zennie  We concurred (intuitively) that it seems as if my pelvis is twisted.  I went to Mountain Valley Therapy to visit my buddy, David Ebel, and he agreed.  I have both a tilt and a twist in my pelvis, rendering my right leg to about 20% efficiency, and my left about 50%.  While I was feeling that this was really bad news, David was really optimistic for me.  He feels that this is perfect timing - with the marathon 6 months away.  He says I will feel as if I have wings on my feet, once my efficiency is 100% in both legs.  I can live with this outcome!
Sure wish I looked like that in a suit!

So - I'm grounded to the pool or the eliptical for a bit.  I just ordered a couple of suits on line - I'll keep you posted on how that turns out.  Trying on swim suits is such a humiliation that I prefer the privacy of my own home.  No matter how big they SAY they are, I always feel like I'm trying to fight my way back into the womb!  If all else fails - I'll wear a jog bra and shorts.  I'll do some pool running, yoga, and eliptical and see how it goes.

Meanwhile...Lilly thinks I'm cheating on her.

1 comment:

  1. I love your optimism! If you want a swim buddy let me know~ Lesley
