Thursday, May 31, 2012

Things I Love Thursday

1. My Sweet Baboo!
 Okay – so my sweetie and I are nearing 26 years of marriage, plus 7 years of growing up together as teenagers through middle and high school.  He is my rock, my safety net, my cheerleader, my number one cuddler, and the person I would want to be stranded on a dessert island with.  I am blessed!

2. TYR Durafast Swimsuit
Not as good as a 26-year marriage, but darn close.  This swimsuit is really decent, and by decent I mean it covers everything that should be covered and stays in place.  I hate wearing swimsuits to begin with and I actually don’t feel too bad in this one.  I got it at REI, but I know they can also be found online.  Here's a link to a GREAT sale!  I may even order another since I know I like it and it fits! A good suit is hard to find!

3. Morning Star Veggie Patties
I am not a vegetarian, but I really hate hamburger.  I love all the things one puts on a burger, and I love grill taste, but I think I was raised on too much burger, so the taste & smell of it make me gag.  My hubs likes a grilled burger now and again, so this time, I searched around (and asked Angie in the meat department at Safeway for a recommendation) for a new product to try.  Angie recommended the Original Grillers and the ‘Chicken’ patties.  I haven’t tried the mock chicken yet, but I really like the Grillers.  The patty is 130 calories, and for a bun, I used a whole wheat bagel thin for 110 calories.  Sweet Baboo had his usual burger and was happy, and I was more than satisfied with my scaled down version.  Yay!  Depending on sale price, a box runs between $3.99-$4.29 for four patties.  Around a $1/serving isn’t bad – it’s actually better than beef!

4. myfitnesspal app 

I’m new to the whole idea of looking to see if there’s ‘an app for that’, but after my ODS Health Coach asked if I was using any calorie counting apps, I had to do some research.  Gone are the days of seriously long math problems!  I had no idea!!  Myfitnesspal does it all.  I plug in what I ate, drank, and what type of exercise I’ve done, and it keeps a running tab.  There are several things I like about this.  I can see the actual debit/credit of food and exercise.  In my head it makes sense, but to see it on paper…well, on screen, makes it more real.  I can look ahead, see how many calories are left for the day, and I’ve already found that I’m making calculated decisions about how to spend the calorie ‘cash.’  Do I really want a TB of blue cheese crumbles on my salad? Sometimes the answer is yes, but other times, I can go without.
I really wanted to meet with a dietician to talk about my weight loss goals AND training goals.  My biggest concern was making sure I was fueling my body correctly for marathon training.  My insurance covers Weight Watchers, but NOT a visit to an actual dietician.  I think this is wrong, but I don’t get to make the rules.  What I did find out, though, was that I can have an ODS Health Coach – who IS a dietician.  We email or call, depending on what works best.  At first I wasn’t too impressed, but then once I got really specific about my needs and concerns, we started to communicate better.  I’ll let you know how it goes.  For now, I’m tracking everything on myfitnesspal, and then I’ll have the health coach go through it and look for areas for improvement.  Right now, I’m working on 1200 calories (not consumed, mind you – but after food AND exercise pluses and minuses – the end of the day should equal 1200).  I like that at the end of the day, the app says, “If you ate like this every day, you’d weigh_____in 5 weeks.”  It’s encouraging.  I can see that coming in UNDER 1200 will speed that along.  But…I exercise because I LIKE TO EAT!  (This program is available as an app, AND online, in case you don't have a fancy phone or ipad!)

5. Mountain Valley Therapy & Fitness
I was already a fan/patient of Mountain Valley Therapy, and previously, I wrote about the open house for their fitness center.  They’ve been running a free 7-day trial for the fitness center (still available on their website), and along with that, you can meet with a personal trainer.  I did all that, and wasn’t sure if I wanted to join a gym or not.  I know that I really should be adding weight training to what I’m doing (I’ve got cardio covered!), and I’m not exactly equipped at home to do weight lifting.
I met with Matt for an initial screening.  Yes, I got weighed in front of a boy!  Oh, the horror!!! Anyway, he checked my fat ratio, which is not a good one, and we talked about my goals for living a healthy life, and for doing this crazy running event. 

I appreciate that there is no joining fee at Mountain Valley.  If you’ve got the bucks up front to pay for the whole year, you get a discount (not me!), but I joined anyway.  I love that it’s not the gym of my twenties!  The average age in there is over forty!  I love seeing some of my older friends in there lifting weights, possibly for the first time in their lives.  It’s not a big-muscle-head-sweaty-smelling-gym.  It still has new gym smell!  And the locker rooms are lovely and clean!

 Matt set me up on a circuit weight training routine, and I’ll do that for a few weeks and then pay for another session to regroup.  I’m discovering sore muscles that I didn’t know existed.  I should be a Greek Goddess in a few more weeks.  Okay, maybe not, but I’m definitely getting one of those olive leaf crowns!  J

Monday, May 28, 2012

Motivational Monday - and Memorial Monday

I was going to say 'Happy Memorial Day,' but if you have lost loved ones, you may not be feeling too happy today.  Loss is tough - we can mourn the folks who are no longer sharing this daily walk with us, AND we can also remember them fondly and laugh over old memories.  

It's only fitting that I'm doing this marathon in support of a cancer organization.  I lost my father, my aunt, and a dear friend to cancer.  They were adults - and while that doesn't make it easier, I know there's got to be so much frustration and a feeling of unfairness that goes along with having a child with cancer.   When I look at my little kindergarten friends and think about our friends, Will and Julie, who lost their son at the age of 6, it just makes me weepy.  No child should die before the parent – I know my grandparents wrestled with this when my 51-year-old father was dying.  I didn’t really get it–the fact that we are always our parents’ babies, no matter how old we are.  

Oh yeah, this was supposed to be motivational.  How’m I doing? 

I had recently heard on the radio that Kelly Clarkson’s song, Stronger, had become an anthem for folks undergoing cancer treatment.  I can see why!  It’s upbeat and motivational.  My sister Cherrie sent me this video clip – just as I was beginning to ponder the Motivational Monday blog.

And of course - the making of the video is just as good, or better!  :-)

Think good thoughts of those you’ve loved and lost.  Keep fighting whatever battle you’re fighting.  We’re all in this together! Now get out there and kick some booty!

OH - and I just got a big fat donation from the ladies at Bodywork Spa & Skin Studio - I'll post more when I have more details, but it's a good one!  Don't forget to donate any ammount before the drawing on June 30th!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Motivational Monday

Every accomplishment starts
with the decision to try.

It's Monday - the day that it seems like the alarm goes off way too early!  I'm a little more organized today, since I spent time yesterday preparing food for lunches/dinners.  I aspire to live this way all the time,'s hit and miss!

If you're anything like me, we have days when the workout seems too hard.  It would be easier to come home from work, change into sweats...and just lounge in them.  Sometimes inspiration comes from seeing the struggles of others.  This video clip particularly touched me.  I think this guy is awesome.  If he can change his life and health - so can I!

Enjoy -

Never Give Up

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Drawing for Donors!

Drawing for Donors is officially underway!  This is an un-raffle raffle, because if I had an actual raffle, then your donations to The Children's Cancer Association would not be tax decutible.  So - this is a thank-you gift giveaway - a way to show my apreciation for your donations toward this wonderful organization.

I'm filled with gratitude for the folks who have donated items for my Drawing for Donors!  I was feelig a bit disheartened at first, but through social media, friends have rallied to donate items to make this giveaway really fun.  I so appreciate this community!

I'm still gathering items, but this is what I have so far.  

Drumroll Please:
1/2 Hour Massage from Angie Miller!

$25 Gift Certificate from El Erradero!
                  This could be yours ~ from The Potter's House!

Matted art print from local artist, Denise Stone

$10 Gift Card from the Sub Shop!
Yummy bath stuff and body butter from Whispering Pines

My sister, Cherrie Ward donated all these necklace/earring sets!  Thanks, Cherrie!

I (Karen Tannehill) am donating a few baked-goods: 
*Huckleberry Cheesecake,
*3-Layer German Chocolate Cake, and
*Cookie of the Month - That's Right:-12 months of cookies!

There will be more prizes announced as they come in.  I have a few mysteries yet to be revealed!
Please share this post with your facebook friends.  I have just edged over the $2000.00 mark on my way toward raising $5000.00!  I would love to reach that goal, and dare I say, even pass it!

Drawing to be held Saturday, June 30th!

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Friday Five: True Confessions of an Average Gal

I've really been feeling frustrated about my physical condition.  I have been working really hard at strengthening my core and then, on Sunday, I popped out my lower back.  Argh!  These are the moments I feel my age.  I know it’s just a minor setback, and I trust all my medical professionals to get me back on track.  They’re all pulling for my marathon success, and they want me to be healthy and strong. 

Still…one little lift (that I SWEAR I used my legs for!) and my week was shot to Hell!

Oh well – here’s to another Friday, and another chance to get back on that horse and ride!

True Confessions…

1.  I prefer wearing yoga pants for eating and lounging, rather than yoga.  When I was in Vegas, I referred to them as “Buffet Pants!

 2.  I’m somewhat envious of people who have workout buddies.  It seems like a great idea, but I can’t imagine actually working out with someone else.  Maybe I just don’t play well with others.  I like the freedom to take off when I feel like it, and run as long, short, fast or slow as I feel like.  I think I also really appreciate the time alone in my own head.  I communicate with people all day at work, so my workout time seems like something special, just for me.

    3. I'm starting to worry about reaching my financial goal of raising $5000.00.  You would think I’d be more worried about running 26.2 miles, but no – it’s the money.  I know that nothing bad will happen if I don’t get there, but I will feel like I’ve let down the organization (Children’s Cancer Association).  I can only donate so much, so I’m hoping for either a whole bunch of little donations, or a couple more REALLY BIG ones!

 4. I know that no matter how much I read and learn about running a marathon, nothing will truly prepare me.  I just have to listen to my body and keep working at it.  I’m concerned more with the mental part of the marathon than the physical part.  The more I hear about hitting ‘the wall’ the more I am concerned with finding way to power through it.

 5. I am almost done with the school year, and I’m looking forward to having less things competition with my time.  I can really focus on cross training and building my stamina.  I hate when work gets in the way of my playing!

Stay tuned - I'm just about ready to post about my giveaway:
Drawings for Donors!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Some Thoughts About Mothers...

This blog, and my marathon preparation are the tools I am using to raise money for the Children's Cancer Association.   As I was running this morning, I was thinking about what it would be like to be celebrating Mother's Day when you have a seriously ill child. I can't imagine.

Baby Alli - the picture of health!
I'm not trying to get all Debbie Downer on ya, but really, if you are a parent, you know what that bond means.  We want our children to be happy and healthy, and when one of those elements is missing, it's missing for us too.  Our hearts break when theirs do, we cry when they do, we ache when they're ill, and we lose sleep (sometimes grudgingly) when fever strikes, or the vomit misses the toilet, or the diapers overflow know the drill.

I was thinking about my own mother.  She is not an adventurer AT ALL, but she wholeheartedly supports my adventures.  She is the one who has pledged $1000 for my run!  She is my strongest supporter, in big ways, and in small.  She has shown up with groceries when times were tight.  She has taken all our laundry, and our baby, when we were both sick.  She has replaced our pillows or dishrags when she saw they were worn beyond what is useful.  Her graciousness continues to be a lesson for me.  She shows up and offers.

I was thinking about my mother in law.  You will find no mother in law jokes here - I have been blessed by the woman who raised my tender hearted husband.  I have nothing but respect for her.  She is a wealth of knowledge, but waits to be asked.  She IS an adventurer!  After being a lifelong swimmer, she, at the tender age of 79, tried the slide at the swimming pool for the very first time.  The other 'swimming ladies' followed, saying they had always wanted to try it too.  She now slides at least once a week, and on her 80th birthday, she went down the slide four times - since it was the fourth!  She bravely undresses in the locker room, showing her mastectomy scar.  I don't know if I could do it.  She has attitude and spunk, yet she, too, is quiet like my mother.  You would never suspect that underneath the granny gear, she is a student, a teacher, a lover of romance novels, and a try-er of new things.

I was thinking about my friends, Will and Julie, who lost their sweet son at the age of 6, to brain cancer.  I don't know how you put one foot in front of the other and pick up your life after that.

I am filled with gratitude for my health, and the health of my daughter and her cousins, and second cousins.  I made another contribution to the CCA - $5 each for Robbie, Joanna, Alli, Rebekah, Elizabeth, Clarissa, Marissa, Hannah, Ava and Ethan.   I can pledge, and I can run.  And for those who can't face the day - but must do it for their children, I can pledge more, and run further.
My child got to grow up - now, that's a gift not to be
taken for granted!

Hug your healthy kids.  Celebrate your motherhood, and think of those who are struggling with loss - either of mothers, or chidren.
1 year old Travis and his chemo-pal, Kim Martin
Luke Jensen and his chemo-pal, Ryan Foote


Friday, May 11, 2012

The Friday Five: True Confessions of an Average Gal

How did it get to be Friday already?!  I went out of town for a few days of family business, worked two whole days, met next year’s kindergarten class, and called it a week!

So here I am again at the Friday Confessional, which will now be The Friday Five…because last week I learned that ten was too much!

1.  I only worked out twice this week and I’m feeling really guilty about it.  I can't really count walking alongside of a four year old as she rode her trike, but believe me, I encouraged her to keep going...maybe a bit longer than she would've liked.  Sorry, Ava!
Oh well, there are still three days left…

2.  I found a swimming suit that FITS!  Hallelujah!  That’s really outstanding news, but what I realized, though, is that I really didn’t even take time to see if it’s remotely flattering.  All I know is that it pulled up all the way (over my apparently, freakishly long torso!) so that’s where my observation stopped.  Perhaps I’m not so ego-based that I’m worrying about how I look in a swimming suit.  I didn’t even turn around in the dressing room to check out the butt-horror!  Maybe this is a sign of maturity.  What’s more likely though is that it’s just a sign of pure laziness!
This is the type of suit I would really prefer!


    3.  After several days out of town and a couple long car trips, I feel the need for a major colon cleanse!  Why is it that spending six hours sitting on my butt in the car makes me feel like I should be in constant snack mode?  On the drive home, I had two lattes, a box of Red Vines, a snack sized bag of Gardetto’s, and an 8 oz. bottle of water.  I should’ve had a V-8!  What’s done is done.  I can only reclaim my colon and start over.

           4.  I’m getting really excited for my second turn at being a Foodie Pen Pal!  I was able to shop for mine at Saturday Market, and World Market while I was in Eugene, so I have some really fun stuff to send.  I also can’t wait to receive a foodie box in the mail!  This is so fun!   (I address this in my other blog.  If you’re curious, visit, and look at the April Foodie Pen Pal Reveal.)

5.   As the school year winds to a close, I know how much marathon work there is ahead of me this summer.  I am determined to keep it fun, playful, and varied.  Even if I’m walking or swimming, I know it’s all adding to my fitness level and using different muscles. I’ll get ‘er done a mile at a time!

Stay tuned – I have a Drawing for Donors in the works, and there are some fun prizes!!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday Confessional

I am a reader of many health and fitness blogs, and an equal number of eating and cooking blogs. One thing many of them have in common is a daily theme, like What I ate Wednesday, or Fitness Friday. Cassie, at Back to Her Roots,, does a weekly confessional of personal oddities. The thing I really love about it, is that her quirks make me feel normal. Wait. I don't think that came out right. What I mean to say is that reading about her dirty little secrets makes me realize that I'm not alone in mine.

So in an effort to help y'all feel less weird, I'm going to hang out some dirty laundry, with the inalliterative title, Friday Confessional.

Here goes:

10. Sometimes I eat candy for breakfast. While I can be proud of myself for never starting the habit of cigarettes and coffee, I do enjoy sugar and coffee. NOT sugared coffee, mind you, but coffee with some sort of sugary treat. I always plan on granola or a decent person's brakfast, but, really, is there anything better than a Reese's Peanutbutter Cup and some Starbucks?

9. I've got some Justin Beiber in my running playlist. I'm not a creeper, I promise.

8. I really love shoes, and I'm not proud of fitting the stereotype of women who love shoes. I'm no Imelda Marcos, or Carrie Bradshaw, but I might be on my way.

7. I'm already thinking that ten confessions is too much. Don't want to let my crazy out all at once!

 6. I love getting real mail - not bills, but actual hand- written notes. It's a lost art with texts and emails. I just joined a foodie pen pal program because not only do I get to send and receive a food package in the mail once a month, but one of the components of the program is that you have to write something!

 5. I wasn't one of those parents who allowed our baby/child to sleep in our bed. That being said, I have a four year old border collie who takes up residence in the middle of our bed each night - not long ways, but sideways so she can kick us equally.  I've gone soft, what can I say.

 4. I love singing to really loud music in the car. I try not to get caught at it, but I'm sure other drivers think I'm nuts. Even moreso if I'm singing show tunes!

 3. I've definitely decided ten confessions is five too many.

2. I cry in the movie Stuart Little when that little Michael J. Fox mouse says he has an empty place in his heart, and at the first 20 minutes of the movie, Up, and in Toy Story Three when the big boy goes away to college. I cry when a child says (and discovers), "Teacher, I can read!"  Gets me every time. Yep. I'm a sappy crybaby.

1.  I LOVE being a teacher.  Yes it's hard work. There are kids I want to take home and feed, wash, and lavish with Christmas presents - and that breaks my heart on a daily basis.  But it's the job that is my heart's true calling.  When things fall off the rails in my daily life - teaching is the thing that always makes sense to me.  I know I belong to a community of others who show up every day to shape little people into big citizens.

What does any of this have to do with getting ready for a marathon? Not a thing, except that now you know just how average I am. I'm not an Olympian with a great training regime, a personal trainer, and a dietician.  I'm just a 46 year old, who trains despite my love for junk food, who is trying to raise money for families who do not have the luxury of time.

I can continue to put one foot in front of the other, giving thanks for my health and the health of my beautiful daughter.

I can keep lacing up and hitting the pavement...a mile at a time.